Thanks to the generous efforts of the internationally active painter, Sang Yu-Kwang. I have been given the opportunity as the first Japanese artist to have a solo exhibition at Seoul Gallery, one of the most influential Korean galleries, located in the center of Seoul. I have prepared for this exhibition with mixed feelings of joy and trepidation.
      While working on the paintings, I have been thinking constantly about the historical actions taken by the Japanese against the people of Asia, including the people of the Korean peninsula and China. I feel great remorse for these actions of my own people and am painfully aware that the deep wounds left behind have not yet completely healed even though 60 years have passed since the war and that many people are still suffering because of what happened.
      Mr. Yu and I are both artists of the generation born after the war. In other words, we belong the generation that has the potential to rise above the unfortunate events of the past in both our conutries and build new bonds of friendship appropriate to a new age.
      I am nervous about how the people of Korea will respond to my paintings, but I am looking forward to hearing the honest opinions and criticism of each person who sees them, and I hope to use their views to guide my creative work in the new century. Also, I hope I can help, even in a small way, to build bridges and encourage friendly relations between the artists of Korea and Japan.
      I would like to thank the people of both countries who have made this exhibition possible. I would especially like to express my appreciation to the Japanese critic Yoshie Yoshida who curated the exhibited, the Korean critic Shin Hang-Seop who visited my studio with Mr. Yoshida and wrote a kind letter of recommendation, Atsushi Yoshida who translated the catalog essays into Korean, and Stan Anderson who did the translations into English.

      Summer 2001

    Mitsuhito Takeuchi

     国際的な活躍をつづけておられる画家・劉光相(YU−KWANG, SANG)先生の大変なご尽力により、ソウル市中心街の権威あるソウルギャラリーで、個展としては日本人初の発表をさせていただけることになりました。望外の喜びと身の引締まる緊張感のあいだをゆれうごきながら、全力を挙げて今回の出品作を制作しました。
     今回の個展実現には、両国の関係の方々から、多大のご協力を賜りました。殊に、美術評論家ヨシダ・ヨシエ先生、ヨシダ先生と一緒に私のアトリエまでわざわざお越しいただき、推薦文まで執筆してくださった美術評論家申恒燮(HANG−SEOP, SHIN)先生、韓国語に翻訳してくださった吉田亜津史氏、英訳を担当していただいたスタン・アンダースン(Stan Anderson)氏に心から厚くお礼を申し上げます。

    2001年夏 武内光仁
